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March 02, 2020

Dolors Masats invited as an expert for a newspaper article on multilingual schools

Dolors Masats was consulted as an expert by the newspaper ARA in an extensive article on multilingual and International schools, which are described as “educational realities where two or more languages coexist with the aim that students are able to use them.” Masats explained that the best way to learn a Language is to use it. For this reason, it is necessary to provide students with rich and continuous contacts with the target Language. You can read the full article here.

January 30, 2020

Our project presented at this year’s Edition of APAC Conference 2020: Going Global!

Cèlia Pratginestós and Dolors Masats participated at APAC Conference 2020, where they presented one of the projects carried out with Jorge Solans at Ins Federica Montseny within the framework of the DATE project. Their presentation, entitled “Ready to get your teens to use English?” proved that even children who struggel with English can get engaged in using this Language if they have the opportunity to communicate with children from another country.

January 26, 2020

Data session by Cèlia Pratginestós at the GREIP Doctoral School 2020

Cèlia Pratginestós presented data from her research related to the DATE Project at the GREIP Doctoral School 2020. The aim of this school is to offer opportunities to doctoral students to participate and interact with people dedicated to research in the field of language education, such Dr Ufuk Balaman (HUMAN Research Center, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Turkey), Dr Olcay Sert (Mäladalen University, Sweden) and Dr Johannes Wagner (Southern University of Denmark).

November 14, 2019

The DATE Project presented at ICERI 2019

Cèlia Pratginestós, Jorge Solans and Dolors Masats presented a communication in the 12th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI2019), held in Seville on November 11-13. The presentation, with the title "Exchanging glances on the development of a joint education and research programme carried out at a secondary school in a socioeconomically underprivileged millieu", presented data from the project DATE (Recercaixa 2016). In line with our group's  collaborative principles, the authors included GREIP researchers and secondary school teachers (Solans). 

October 29, 2018

El 30 d'octubre, l'Emilee Moore i la Claudia Vallejo, membres del GREIP; van presentar la primera sessió de dades del curs 2018-2019 del grup. La sessió va girar al voltant de la producció i l'ús de vídeos com a vehicle d’expressió creativa i de comunicació transnacional en un projecte que connecta joves de llocs diversos (Global Story Bridges), que representen les seves vivències produint i compartint vídeos amb participants d’altres països. 

September 12, 2018

Dolors Masats ha estat convidada com a experta al programa Badalona Tres60 (Badalona TV), per parlar de diversitat lingüística i convivència de llengües majoritàries i minoritàries. Podeu veure l'entrevista aquí, adelantant el vídeo del programa fins a l'hora i 7 minuts (01.07.00).

October 17, 2017

Els debats de RecerCaixa

Dolors Masats participa com a ponent en Els debats de RecerCaixa a la sessió titulada Noves pràctiques per a la innovació educativa.

October 04, 2017

1a Trobada de Recerca de la Facultat de Ciències de l'Educació

September 30, 2017

Lliurament dels ajuts RecerCaixa 2016

February 27, 2017

Joves de Badia intercanvien històries amb altres joves d'arreu del món

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