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  • Masats, Dolors (2021). The DATE Programme. Presentation given at Online Closing Event 'Creem Ponts entre la Universitat i l'Institut' (Building bridges between University and High School. 27th January, Bellaterra (Catalonia).

  • Pratginestós, Cèlia (2021). Participation at the Round Table: Empowering as the core to socioeducating action and language learning. Online Closing Event 'Creem Ponts entre la Universitat i l'Institut' (Building bridges between University and High School. 27th January, Bellaterra (Catalonia).







  • Moore, Emilee & Masats, Dolors (2019, 27th-29th November). A multimodal study of (linguistic) mediation in digitally-mediated non-formal contexts of English learning. Paper presented at Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura (SEDLL 2019), Bilbao. Speakers: Emilee Moore & Dolors Masats

  • Pratginestós, Cèlia; Masats, Dolors, & Solans, Jorge (2019; 11th-13th November). Exchanging glances on the development of a joint education and research programme carried out at a secondary school in a socioeconomically underprivileged milieu. Paper presented at the 12th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, (ICERI 19), Seville (Spain). Speakers: Dolors Masats & Cèlia Pratginestós. [Abstract

  • Nussbaum, Luci (2019, 5th June). Para que serve ensinar análise do discurso? Plenary Debate at the congress EDISO 2019: IV SIMPOSIO INTERNACIONAL EDISO: VOZES, SILêNCIOS E SILENCIAMENTOS NOS ESTUDOS DO DISCURSO, Santiago de Compostela.

  • Dooly, Melinda; Vallejo, Claudia; Moore, Emilee & Masats, Dolors (2019- 9th-11th May). Reflecting on Multilingual Education for the 21st Century: A Paradigm of Critically-Engaged Collaboration. Paper presented at Cicea 2019 Conference: Europe at a crossroad: Rights, values and identity. Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic.

  • Nussbaum, Luci (2019, 12th March). "Los retos de la educación lingüística en Cataluña". Conference addressed at students of the Grados Antropologia social y cultural y de Lenguas modernas y comunicación of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

  • Herrero, Almudena, & Moore Emilee (2019, February 2nd). Targeting social inequalities through collaborative research in the English classroom. Poster presented at APAC Annual ELT Convention 2019: “Release your Inspiration”, Barcelona (Catalonia). Speakers: Almudena Herrero & Emilee Moore. [Abstract]

  • Solans, Jorge (2019, February, 1st). Project-based learning in a deprived environment?. Paper presented at APAC Annual ELT Convention 2019: “Release your Inspiration”, Barcelona (Catalonia). Speaker: Dolors Masats. [Abstract]

  • Masats, Dolors; Dooly, Melinda; Juanhuix Marta;  Moore Emilee, &  Vallejo Claudia (2019, January 17th). Treballem junt(e)s per innovar: col·laboració crítica entre professorat i investigador(e)s a la classe plurilingüe. Paper presented at  9è seminari internacional de l’aula com a àmbit d’investigació, Bellaterra (Catalonia). Speaker: Dolors Masats. [Abstract]

  • Dooly, Melinda & Moore, Emilee (2019, January 16th). "Bringing down borders through ‘techno-pedagogical’ skills: Out of the classroom and into the world". Workshop addressed at the students and teachers of the Department of Fachdidaktik Anglistik of the University of Graz, Austria.



  • Masats, Dolors, & Guerrero, Paula (2018; November, 23rd). The Ins and Outs of Teamworking when University Teachers, In-service Secondary Teachers and Pre-Service Teachers Collaborate to Transform Learning. Paper presented at 16th International Conference on Social Sciences (ICSS XVI), Paris (France). Speaker: Dolors Masats. [Abstract

  • Vallejo, Claudia; Dooly, Melinda; Moore, Emilee, & Masats, Dolors (2018, November, 23rd).  Multilingual education for the 21st century: Moving from trending to meaningful through criticality and collaboration. Paper presented at MUCEAN (Multilingualizing Compulsory Education in the Age of Neoliberalism: Issues, Processes and Inequalities) Seminar, Barcelona (Catalonia). Speakers: Claudia Vallejo & Melinda Dooly. [Abstract]

  • Masats, Dolors (2018; November, 8th ). Reflexiones en torno a la elaboración de un proyecto lingüístico de centro adoptando el enfoque por proyectos. Paper presented at VI Simposio Internacional Currículo y Políticas Educativas, Santa Marta (Colombia). Speaker: Dolors Masats. [Abstract]

  • Masats, Dolors, & Morodo, Andy (2018; September, 8th). The Views of Teachers, Trainees and Secondary Students on the Challenge of Organising Learning around Technology-Enhanced Cross Disciplinary Projects in the English Classroom: A Case Study. Paper presented at la 6th International Conference on New Trends in English Language Teaching and Testing,  Istanbul, (Turkey). Speaker: Dolors Masats. [Abstract]

  • Hawkins, Maggie; Llompart, Júlia; Moore, Emilee, & Vallejo, Claudia (2018, September, 7th). Creativity, semiosis and morality in a transnational film production project with youth. Paper presented at the thematic panel "Creative inquiry in Applied Linguistics" at BAAL 2018: "Taking Risks in Applied Linguistics", York (United Kingdom). Speaker: Emilee Moore. [Abstract]



  • Masats, Dolors; Bautista, Guillermo; Domingo Villarreal, Àngel, & Marín, Núria (2017, October, 19th). Noves pràctiques per a la innovació educativa. Guest speaker at Debat RecerCaixa, Barcelona (Catalonia). Moderator: Milagros Pérez Oliva.

  • Masats, Dolors (2017, February, 23rd). Award acceptance speech, on behalf of all the awarded researchers. Award giving ceremony to the winners of RecerCaixa 2016, Barcelona (Catalonia).

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